Policy of cookies

This site, as most of the Web sites, uses cookies to improve the experience of the user.

Below you will find the information concerning cookies, to which they are of use which kind of cookies use the site, how to disable cookies in your browser, how disable specifically the cookies of third(third party).

With the publication in the BOE of the Royal Decree Law 13/2012, of March 30th, there was a serie of modifications in the Law on the Services of the Information society and Trade Éléctronique (LSSICE), which ,among others, allocate the use of cookies and to the commercial sendings by e-mail. As a result of this Royal Decree, by which transposes several European directives, Spain, as all the Member states of the EU, adapts itself to the European directive 2009 / 136 / CE " mandement in the European Directive on the processing and the conservation of the individual data and the protection of the privacy in the electronic communications"Article 22.2 of the Law 34/2002. The service providers can use a device of storage and recovery of the data in  terminal equipment addresses, provided that themselves gave their consent, once received the clear and complete information on their use, in particular on the purpose of the data processing, according to statutory provisions Organic 15/1999, of December 13th, of protection of personal data.


A cookie is a small text file in the alphanumeric format  deposited on the hard disk of the Internet user, smarphone, tablet or TV, by the server or by a third server. Its functions can vary: store your preferences of browsing, collect statistical information, authorize certain technicals... Sometimes, cookies are used to store the basic information in your preferences.


To navigate the site patucosindice.com, means that various cookies can be installed:

This kind of cookies keeps your preferences for certain tools or services so that it has not any more need there to configure them every time you visit our site and sometimes come from third.

We use the called "cookies of session state" to be able to improve our services with the only purpose to progress in the experience of the browsing of the user. If these cookies are blocked or deleted, our site will continue operating.

These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the use of the site, allowing the access to the various sections which equipped with filters with safety. Without these cookies, most of the available services would not be operational any more.

They are the ones which, well adapted by us or by thirds, allow to manage the advertising spaces of our site, adapting the contents of the advertising to the contents of the requested service or to the use realized on our site. Thanks to cookies we can know your habits of Internet browsing, and we can also show you the advertising bound to your profile of browsing.

Web sites without identifying the individual users. More information about the cookies of Google Analytics and information about the privacy. Thanks to what we can study the browsing through our Web sites and improve them

Third cookies can be installed to manage and improve the services which they offer to you. An example of this use are the links in social networks  which allow to share our contents

You can accept, block or eliminate cookies in your computer equipment  through the configuration of the options of your browser. In case you blocked  them, it is possible that certain services which need cookies may not work any more for you.
Below the links where you can find the information to activate your preferences in the main browsers

Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Internet Explorer
Safari para iOS

Logouts, breakdowns, overloads or falls of of the system are not attributable  to the company.
Errors in the contratation: in case the user makes an error in the introduction of the necessary data to realize the commitment, given that the same occurs by the sending of a message of the alphanumeric code, the user will not receive the committed service.


The applicable Law in case of quarrel or conflict of the understanding in conformity of this Legal Notice, as well as any question relative to the services of this site, will be the Spanish law